
Orb weaver spiders come in a variety of shapes and sizes, they are often found in gardens and foliage around yards and sometimes across walkways causing a slight inconvenience if you do not like spiders, Spidey will simply move these gentle arachnids to a more convenient place for both you and the spider.

Mantids are awesome predators in this region and are very beneficial in our region, a fascinating insect they can change color to blend in to their surroundings, found in all sorts of areas such as foliage and on walls in garages, Spidey Pest Control takes care not to hurt such a delicate insect and will move them out of harms way by placing them in a more secluded hiding place away from the application area.

The Noble False widow spider, called this cause its shape is similar to that of the widow spider family. These spiders hail from European countries and have made their way to the sunny shores of California. This is an invasive spider and can be found in the eaves and patio covers and play structures throughout Southern California.
The Western Black Widow is native species of spider to this region, A solitary spider she prefers to lives in dark spaces. A dangerous bite from her, will leave you in pain and if bitten its best to see a doctor. Spidey Pest Control will dispatch this predator if needed, but will relocate if possible.